TPH COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Program Enrollment Request Form for Health Care Providers

All Health Care Providers (including physicians and nurse practitioners) who wish to order COVID-19 Vaccines from Toronto Public Health must be enrolled into the program prior to ordering. All of your answers are private and confidential.

Please only submit this form once for every Health Care Provider (one physician/nurse practitioner per site) that is enrolling.

If you have any question about the program or this form, please email

Site Address (Required)
Practice Type (Required)
Service Model (as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Health) (Required)
General Facility Criteria (Required)
Does your practice have a valid Ontario Government Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Services (OGPMSS) Client Number? (Required)
Has the fridge where vaccines will be stored been inspected by Toronto Public Health within the 12 months with a 'pass' result? (Required)
Do all vaccinators at this site/facility have a COVaxON account where Toronto Public Health is the Authorizing Organization to document COVID-19 vaccine administration and wastage? (Required)
Vaccine Storage and Handling Criteria (Required)
COVaxON Criteria (Required)
Clinical Criteria (Required)
Vaccine Administration Criteria (Required)